Saturday, 27 September 2008

Photos du Jour

la Gueule du Jour


le Joli Minou

derniers Rayons de Soleil

le thème du jour : Bonjour


à partir d'aujourd'hui je vais essayer de faire un blog fraçais/anglais. Qu'en pensez vous ? Est-ce utile, ou du boulot pour rien ? Merci de me le dire...

today I start a bi langauge blog. What do you think about ? is it a good idea or a work for nothing ? Tell me what do you think, thank you.


Anonymous said...

If you know English, there's nothing wrong in helping non-French readers.

Anonymous said...

Bi is good !

Who is the blond in the first picture with his arms crossed. he is erotic in both French and English